One Year Later: What I Learned From A Year Of Blogging

balance coaching Dec 20, 2022
Physician writing about experience with blog



“Life is about taking chances, trying new things, having fun, making mistakes, and learning from it.”


As I settled into the new identity of physician coach, I struggled to find ways to express my thoughts and ideas.  I know most people are captivated by audio and video, but I wasn’t ready for that.  I hadn’t written in many years, but blogging felt safer.  Besides, who was going to read this stuff anyway?

The blogs were posted on a website that most people didn’t know existed.  I also shared them to a business social media account that no one visited.  It felt uncomfortable and safe at the same time.  

In late January 2022, I wrote a post called “Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself.”  It was a post about the daily expectations and judgments that confront physicians.  I was proud of the work, and the title made me laugh, so I decided to post the article for all my friends and family to see.  Although I know I shouldn’t care about so-called vanity metrics, 138 people took the time to like or love the post, 37 people commented, and 4 people shared the article.  Woah.  I did not expect that.

While I felt tremendous relief for having outed myself as a physician coach and blogger, the discomfort was real.  I loved that people could read and learn from my words, but I was simultaneously paralyzed by the realization that my guard was down.  There were so many words of encouragement, but there were also snickering and judgmental comments.

I found the more I wrote about complex topics, like shame, relationships, and vulnerability, the more physicians could resonate with my words.  I winced as I pushed publish on “The Undeniable Burden Of Shame,” where I laid bare stories I had never told before (not even to my wife), and “The Strength In Vulnerability,” where I revealed one of the more embarrassing circumstances in my life.  Releasing these stories for everyone to read was terrifying, cathartic, and liberating.  The support I received from friends, family, and strangers alike was incredible, and I could not be more thankful.

Over the last fifty-two-plus weeks, I reinvigorated a new commitment to myself.  Once upon a time, I told myself that I was incapable of change.  I was also afraid to try new things because I didn’t have the time to devote myself to new adventures.  As I executed blog posts and faithfully sent weekly emails to the incredible humans that requested them, I reaffirmed that I could depend on myself.  There were absolutely weeks when I just wanted to quit.  But showing up for myself in those moments made all the difference and brought to life a new self-confidence that never previously existed.

So, one year of blogging later, here are my most significant takeaways:

  • Trust yourself.  The things you think and feel are important.  And if they are important to you, they will be important to others.
  • Vulnerability is hard, but it is so worth it.
  • Stop hiding.  The world wants to know you.  When you stop hiding, you will find more profound, fulfilling relationships.  And best of all, you get to be more of the human you genuinely want to be.
  • People will judge you.  Let them judge.  The most judgmental people are their own harshest critics, and they use judgment of others to elevate their self-worth.  I don’t want to live my life at the mercy of other people’s opinions. 
  • Show up for yourself.  When we set new goals, we get to test and challenge our preconceived notions about ourselves.  While I don’t love being proven wrong, I’m starting to enjoy shedding light on my faulty thinking.  It has changed my life in ways I never imagined were possible.
  • Learn to depend on yourself.  I always knew I was dependable, but I never thought that was limitless.  I am beginning to see that I can rely on myself no matter what life throws my way.  And that might be the most incredible realization of all.



Yes, I learned all of these things through blogging.  Still, I could never have explored blogging or leaned into the discomfort of change and vulnerability had it not been for physician coaching and the amazing community created by those magnificent individuals.  To my wife, my children, my family, and my friends, all I can say is thank you.  Your support has meant everything to me.

What’s next?  I will continue writing and blogging in the new year, but I am incredibly excited to announce that I will be starting a podcast and YouTube channel in 2023 with a very good friend and fellow physician coach.  We all have so much to learn from one another.  This will be a fantastic platform to continue exploring how physicians can continue to learn, grow, and encourage each other to develop into the best versions of ourselves.  I cannot wait to share it with all of you.  More to come soon!

Thank you again for being a part of this community.  It means the world to me, and I could not be more thankful.

But enough about me.  Is there something you have been considering but remain unsure of yourself?  What might your life look like in a year if you went all in on yourself?  How would you need to change to make it a reality?  What have you got to lose?




Are you interested in creating more balance in your life?  I want to invite you to check out my FREE TRAINING.  Click here to get: How Busy Physicians Can Stop Trying To Escape Medicine And Start Living Their Best Life Today.

This training will teach you the five essential techniques physicians need to stop feeling stuck, burned out, and trapped in medicine.  You will also learn how to stop racing toward retirement and start using tools that empower you to practice medicine your way.    


PS.  I get a lot of inspiration from music lyrics.  Many people use inspiring quotes (and I do, too), but music really speaks to me.  I hope you find inspiration in the songs too.

Five For Fighting - The Riddle


Click here for the lyrics.



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